Repairs, Flashing , Unlocking Decoding

GSMForum Firmware, Repair, Schemes, Files, Mobile Unlock Register for a free account to become a user! Once logged in, you will be able to participate in this forum by adding your own threads and posts, and chat with other members! New forum rules: Uploading firmware to the forum has been suspended! It is allowed to upload firmware and schematics to Instruction Files. DECODE FIRMWARE VERSION Samsung Tool PRO How to decode correctly? interested in the year and the month mainly 5 minutes of googling: N910C - device model XX - global region / operator (Europe, America, China, ...) S - S (Security - only security patch update) or U (Update - large-scale firmware update) [thanks to Talich52] 2 - 1/2/3 / ... - bootloader version [thanks to Talich52] D - Android version (each model of the region has its own marking, always starting counting from the letter A, corresponding to the installed version of Android when the device enters the market. For example, for the Euro-Asian N910C (XX): A - 4.4.4, B - 5.0. 1, С - 5.1.1, D - 6.0.1) Q - the year of assembly (NOT release  Repairs, Flashing , Unlocking Decoding !!) of the firmware (A-2001, B-2002, ..., P-2016, Q-2017, ...) C - month of assembly (NOT release !!) of the firmware (A-January, B-February, ..., K-November, L-December) D - the number of the intra-monthly release (1..9, A..Z) Firmware - the whole program, like a keruє I will attach the hardware unit to the robot. Without firmware, there are a lot of electronic attachments, so we can’t be victorious every day, we can’t be successful. The firmware of the phone will show its functions.


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